FRANCE, MOROCCO, TUNISIA | Evaluation of the “Jeunes des deux rives” program

The aim of the Jeunes des 2 rives program, lead by Solidarité Laïque and a consortium of civil society organisations,

is to support young people and educators on both sides of the Mediterranean in the co-construction of international solidarity projects. Through these local or international initiatives co-constructed by associations in pairs, the programme develops and strengthens innovative methods of action and teaching tools in the field of education for citizenship and international solidarity. It also aims to produce, capitalise on and disseminate knowledge trough a transnational learning community, made up of young people, educators and researchers for the promotion of education for citizenship and solidarity, in order to feed the practices and methods of action of youth organisations, and the development of public policies adapted to these issues.

Red Mangrove was therefore asked to carry out a prospective evaluation of the J2R programme. The aim was to analyse the efficiency of the territorial organisation developed in the light of the challenge of extending the programme to new countries. Strategic support was provided, including recommendations to ensure that activities ran more smoothly. The evaluation also provided an opportunity to review the programme’s successes with the teams, and to build on them for the next phase.

