France Médias Monde | Development of a monitoring system for the AFRI’KIBAARU project
The Afri’Kibaaru project led by France Médias Monde, through its radio station RFI, aims to strengthen access to reliable and independent information. It aims to offer audiences in the Great Sahel an enriched editorial offer in Mandenkan (Mandinka), Fufulde (Peul) and Hausa, as well as accessible and attractive media content so that they better understand sustainable development.
Red Mangrove is assisting France Médias Monde in the development of the monitoring and evaluation system of the Afri’Kibaaru project. Specifically, it consists in accompanying the project team in the development of the monitoring framework and tools, while training them in their use. This system should make it possible to measure progress and identify areas for improvement and achievement of the project.
Red Mangrove‘s intervention consists in:
- Co-constructing or revising the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the project, starting from the chain of changes.
- Formalising a monitoring-evaluation plan and tools for the collection, feedback, consolidation of information and analysis, while taking into account:
- the project’s information needs
- the possibilities and capacities in terms of data collection
- the consideration of gender and rights-based approaches.
- Training the teams in the use of these tools.
- Facilitating the appropriation of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.
- Documenting good practices.
- Ensuring full ownership of the approach.