MADAGASCAR | Interim evaluation of the national TVET Fund
The Fonds Malgache de Formation Professionnelle (FMFP) is an association under private law, with cross governance and committees (social partners and State). It is responsible for collecting social security contributions and facilitating the use of continuing vocational training. For smaller companies or strategic sector operations, the amount of cotisation can be topped up by additional funds currently provided by the AFD and the EU, creating a significant leverage effect on Madagascan skills development.
After 4 years in operation, AFD and FMFP have decided to carry out an interim evaluation, in order to gain a better understanding of the effects of their past actions, and to provide input for future decisions, particularly with regard to the orientation of financing and the possible revision of FMFP’s approaches.
Red Mangrove has adopted a 360-degree approach in order to obtain and cross-reference a maximum of useful data for strategic thinking:
- Quantitative survey of 2,000 employees in ten regions
- Focus group with training providers
- Qualitative interviews with bodies, operational teams and joint sectoral committees
- Meeting with contributing employers, whether or not they are exercising their drawing rights, and non-contributing employers
All this information was used to produce a global analysis of the situation, going beyond the evaluation of donor funding, and enabling to question orientations and priorities, as well as certain procedures. Collective feedback sessions helped to validate the findings and adopt the recommendations.