MOROCCO | MEAL system for public finance reform program Hakama
The HAKAMA II program aims to support the transformation of the State’s budgetary and accounting rules, to make public management more efficient and transparent, and to promote a better flow of information within Parliament.
Red Mangrove was commissioned to support the development of the program’s monitoring-evaluation, accountability and learning system in order to guide its management and implementation. More specifically, the mission’s objectives were to:
- Analyse the needs and capabilities of all the stakeholders, as well as the information requirements for monitoring the project (by redefining a TOC),
- To co-construct monitoring criteria and indicators, taking into account the concepts of impact/results on the various target groups, and to develop the evaluation and learning framework and reference systems.
- Formalise a tailor-made monitoring and evaluation plan and design tools for collecting, reporting, consolidating and analysing information,
- Facilitate ownership of the monitoring and evaluation mechanisms through training and technical support, and ensure full ownership of the approach